Vision, Mission & Values

Our vision at Kingdom National Theological College (KNTC) is to EQUIP, EMPOWER, and DEPLOY the next generation of spiritually and doctrinally sound leaders across the globe, dedicated to soul winning, soul lifting, and soul leading through what we call, THE HARVEST COMMISSION MANDATE. 

We envision a world where passionate and knowledgeable leaders rise to lead with integrity, compassion, and unwavering commitment to the principles of the Kingdom, excelling in:

- Soul winning, reaching the lost and spreading the Gospel
- Soul lifting, supporting and empowering believers
- Soul leading, guiding and discipling them to maturity

Through rigorous theological education, practical training, and a deep grounding in biblical truth, we aim to equip individuals with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of ministry and leadership in today's world.


The mission of the Kingdom National Theological College (KNTC) is in harmony with the Harvest Commission Mandate, bestowed upon our founder, Apostle Abeiku Okai, at the inception of his ministry. This underscores the college's dedication to preparing leaders to accomplish the Great Commission and gather the spiritual harvest.

The mission of Kingdom National Theological College (KNTC) is to equip, empower and deploy leaders for the Great Commission, focusing on:

- Soul Winning: Evangelism and salvation, reaching the lost and spreading the Gospel
- Soul Lifting: Discipleship and growth, teaching and mentoring believers to maturity
- Soul Leading: Leadership and empowerment, guiding and equipping leaders for kingdom impact

KNTC is committed to rigorous and sound theological education, practical training, and spiritual formation, preparing leaders to fulfill the Great Commission and advance God's kingdom."


At Kingdom National Theological College (KNTC), we stand on the foundation of our faith, committed to advancing the kingdom agenda through academic excellence, spiritual formation, and leadership development. We embrace our mandate to equip and empower a new generation of leaders, entrusted with the vision of penetrating the world with the truth of God's Word.

Grounded in our values of Discipline, Diligence, Dominion, Excellence, Integrity, Compassion, Unity, and Service, we aim to create a community that honors God, fosters growth, and inspires greatness. May our pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and service to others bring glory to God and transform the world for His sake."

This preamble sets the tone for the college's purpose, values, and mission, providing a framework for the institution's culture and identity.
1. DISCIPLINE: We value discipline as a vital component of spiritual growth, academic excellence, and personal development.
2. DILIGENCE: We embrace diligence as a key principle in our pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and service to others.
3. DOMINION: We believe in the importance of dominion, recognizing our responsibility to steward God's creation, resources, and talents for His glory.
4. EXCELLENCE: We strive for excellence in all aspects of college life, seeking to honor God in every endeavor.
5. INTEGRITY: We commit to integrity, upholding the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and moral character.
6. COMPASSION: We value compassion, recognizing the need to support and care for one another in our shared journey of growth and development.
7. UNITY: We embrace unity, celebrating our diversity and promoting harmony among students, faculty, and staff.
8. SERVICE: We prioritize service, recognizing our responsibility to use our gifts, talents, and knowledge to bless others and advance God's kingdom.


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