Kingdom National Theological College (KNTC) is grounded in a Christian philosophy that recognizes God as the source of all truth and wisdom. We believe that education should foster a deep understanding of Scripture, a strong faith, and a commitment to serving others.

Our philosophy is rooted in the following core beliefs:

- The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and its teachings are the foundation for our understanding of the world and our place in it.

- Jesus Christ is the ultimate model of leadership, service, and sacrifice.

- All truth is God's truth, and our pursuit of knowledge and wisdom should lead us to a deeper understanding of His nature and purposes.

- Education should cultivate a deep sense of faith, hope, and love, leading to a transformed life that honors God and blesses others.

- Leadership development is critical to advancing God's kingdom, and our programs aim to equip leaders who will serve with integrity, compassion, and vision.

At KNTC, we integrate faith and learning, seeking to develop minds, hearts, and hands that glorify God and serve humanity."


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