I am intrigued and fascinated by the excellent organisation of KNTC - Mr. Kodowu


KNTC is not a school but a vision. it's God's vision and tool to liberate His children from the ignorance that plagues His church today so to bring them into unity with His Word. Many of God's children are perishing not solely because of lack of knowledge but also misinformation. 

 _But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase.”_ 

Daniel 12:4 NLT

Daniel was asked to seal the prophecies he received at his time in order to be revealed in our days. The veil is removed now; the Lord has turned the volume of His knowledge and eternal truths very high now; and KNTC is strategically placed to play a key role in making this knowledge abound.

I am particularly intrigued and fascinated by the excellent organisation of the college and the precision and clarity of the communication of the eternal verities of the Word. I therefore implore every student and the yet-to-become students to maximize this rare opportunity to be adequately prepared, furnished and readily armed for the Lord's use.

The Lord has begun something new, don't be left out. Enroll NOW!


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